It had been a year since we have seen our family and friends so we headed home for 2 weeks. It was such a wonderful time of making memories, catching up with family and friends and just enjoying the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
Our trip started out on a Tuesday in Bremerton. We all stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Kalmbach's house for a few days. We were able to see our good friends Bill, Janet and Eleeyse. The girls went ice skating and of course LOTS of shopping with Great Grandma! Matt left on Friday to go on his annual salmon fishing trip with his buddy Jeff for a week.
On Saturday we headed to John and Jackies to see the Halsted cousins. It was such an wonderful time seeing all them together again. It was a fun filled day of swimming, making pizzas and having a sleepover.
Sunday we headed to Dash Point to meet Thom, Christine and Sophie along with Dad and Debbie for the day. The weather was wonderful and it was fun to see the girls playing with their cousin Sophie, Meagan was greatly missed that day!
Sunday also found us at my dad and Debbie's house for the next leg of our trip. They had finished building their new home after we left so it was our first time seeing it. What a beautiful house they have and it was so warm and cozy there. The girls and I really enjoyed hanging out with them, going to the zoo, the beach and of course playing games after dinner.
Thursday found us heading to the east side of the Puget Sound. The girls and I met up with my high school friend Jo, whom I had not seen in 3 years. We have a wonderful lunch and she helped the girls shop for school clothes. Afterward, we headed to Conway ( north of Everett ) to Jeff and Teresa's. This is where we would meet Matt on Friday after his fishing trip. Jeff and Teresa were our neighbors in Port Ludlow all those years ago when the kids were babies. We are so thankful to still be close to them and we all pray one day God will bring us back as neighbors again. The guys returned from fishing on Friday with 3 salmon all 22-18 pounds!! We went to Haley's horse show Friday evening then out to some yummy Mexican. ( I was able to get my fill of Mexican on our trip )
Saturday found us heading to Everett for Matt's family reunion. We toured the Boeing plant and watch the war birds fly. Later we met at Lombardi's for lunch and then headed back to Grandpa Lookabuagh and Barbara's for dessert and visiting. The evening ended with a swim in the pool with all 8 cousins. A tradition that is never missed!!
Sunday we all met at a park in Everett and Barbara's daughters put on a wonderful lunch for us all. It was just a wonderful day of visiting and relaxing. Even the kids were so fun to watch and see them interact with each other. Even though they only get to see each other once a year it makes no difference they pick up right where the left off.
Sunday evening we headed to Thom and Christines. They took us to a wonderful Italian restaurant in Seattle for dinner. OH SO good food!! We finally got to see Meagan and visit with her for too short of a time. I wish we had had more time to spend with them but I am just thankful for the time we did have together. They say they will come visit us next summer so I will be holding them to that!!
Monday morning found us at the airport flying home. It was a long day but God blessed us the whole way. On time flight, baggage waiting for us when we got to baggage claim, shuttle bus waiting for us, car safe and sound, very little traffic ( and it was during rush hour ), no wait at the boarder and finally arriving at home.
Looking back I have to say it was THE best visit home EVER. Both Matt and I really had a hard time leaving. I think it really hit us how far away we are and how little we get to see of family. I know for now God has us right where we need to be and will make the best of each moment. Each trip home will be a cherished moment for us. We thank everyone for coming to see us while in the Pacific Northwest, for putting us up in your homes and for loving and caring for us from afar.
The pictures I have posted are only a small sample of what I have. I wish I could have posted more but I don't know how to do the slide show yet.