Saturday, January 10, 2009


So it's been a few days since I have posted anything. Yes we are still here and doing fine. It's been a busy week of getting back into our routines at work and school.

Matt has been extremely busy at work which can be good and bad. He took off today with the guys to Collingwood ( which is 2 hours north of here ). All the Babcock guys are getting together to just "get away from work". Sounds like a great place. There is a ski resort near the house. Matt says it is a setting you would find in a ski town in Europe. We are heading there at the end of the month to do some skiing and now I am really getting excited.

Kaitlyn is doing well. She was sick this week. It was a 24 hour thing and she is doing well now. She turned in a book review and her teacher was so impressed with it that she hung it up on the bulletin board. We are pretty proud of her.

Grace is excited to start hockey and was SO glad to be back at school. I took her town to Port Huron, MI on Thursday for a check up for her ADD. Brooke tagged along for the ride. Truth be told I think she was ready for a Starbucks and Target refill. The weather was good, not too much snow on the roads. Port Huron was beautiful. Sunny and blue skies. Grace had a great Dr's visit. Afterwards, we found a great mall to do some shopping. I think we got our fix and it's great to know that it's there. Port Huron was a 3 1/2 hour drive down, not too bad.

I have been busy getting all my paperwork together to start working and am excited to get going. I spent the week cleaning the house and organizing my scrapbooking area down in the basement. Matt got me a cricut for Christmas. It's a great machine that does cutting for scrapbooking, ie: letters, shapes, etc. I just LOVE it!!

So that is our update for the week. Grace's team has a game on Sunday and Monday so we will see if she will get a chance to play or not. Her first practice is Wednesday so stay tuned and we will post pictures.

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