Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kaitlyn's OEC Trip

Kaitlyn's 6th grade class went to the Outdoor Educational Center just an hour north of us. They had 3 days of activites. Some were: mapping, using a compass, animal survial games, leather making ( Kailtyn made a leather pouch ) a barn dance and of course a campfire where the kids did a skit. It was 3 days and 2 nights. Kaitlyn had so much fun and said she really didn't miss home. They kept them pretty busy the whole day. The girls were in one dorm room and the boy in another. The place is on about 300 acres. With a new dining hall and dorms. They got to see how they make maple syrup also. She took over 80 pictures and so this is just a sample. She talked non-stop when I picked her up but crashed into bed at about 8:00. We are so proud of her and how well she did. She made a point to tell me she chose milk for dinner every night and ate her veggies and even tried soup, which she said she still does not like. Next time you talk to her you will have to ask her about it. It was a great experience and one she will never forget.

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