Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Last Sunday we had the Berkman's over for dinner. Matt made steaks and lobster. Can you believe we paid $22 for 2 lobsters!! I guess that is the joy of living so close to Maine I guess. Anyway, we had a wonderful time of visiting and eating. Brooke and I took the kids down the beach. They had not been out to our beach yet. It was very windy but that didn't stop the kids from putting their feet in the freezing water. After dinner Matt and Jim roasted marshmellows with the kids while Brooke and I cleaned dinner dishes.

Today was an early release day so I meet Brooke at the beach in Kincardine. She had Kris's kids for the afternoon so it was a great way to spend the afternoon. The kids played at the park and had fun at the waters edge. They are all anxious to get into that water but I think it will be a few more months before that happens. It's still very cold.

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