Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Firsts Day of School 2009

Well here we are at the beginning of another school year. Our 2 month summer went by WAY too fast but it sure was a good one. I woke the girls up this morning and both groaned at me and really had no desire to get up. But as they gradually woke up Gracie was bounding around the house VERY excited about being a 5th grader. Kaitlyn on the other hand was not too thrilled. She doesn't like the unknown and so she was not too excited, plus she's not a morning person. As you can see by the pictures their faces tell the story. I guess I should have taken by camera down to the bus stop because by the time the bus arrived Kaitlyn was chatting non-stop about how cool the grade 7 desks are and if it's the same teacher as last year how cool she is. So, I guess she needed that hour to really wake up and get her bearings on the day. So here I sit getting ready to head out to work and have a day of no kids. Some of you may think it will be a lazy day for me, no way! I have been making lists this last week of things I want to get done now that the kids are back in school and I have the whole day to myself. Granted today is suppose to be a nice day, Starbuck and I may have to hit the beach for a bit. I will post another update once the girls are home from school so you all can hear how the first day went.

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