Friday, April 16, 2010

Kaitlyn~ Horses and Band

Kaitlyn, Delaney and Olivia

It's Kaitlyn's turn to be talked about and pictures posted. I've spent all winter talking about Grace and hockey so now I need to spend a little time on Kaitlyn....

This past Wednesday Kaitlyn was able to ride a new horse at lessons. His name is Rocky and is such a sweet gentle horse. And tall!!! He really isn't that much bigger than Ben ( who Kailtyn still loves the most ) but Rocky is longer legged and much thinner. Kaitlyn did a great job getting Rocky to trot and I know she was itching to be able to canter but Tara, her instructor, is very cautious-which I like- so maybe next week!

Thursday found Kaitlyn and the band heading up to Owen Sound for one of many competitions they participate in. I was able to go along and I have to say the KTTPS band if AWESOME! I wish I could have videoed them but it was against the rules and I'm such a rule follower! There are 3 levels you can be awarded. Bronze, Silver or Gold. They got a silver. The judges were tough because we found out out of all the 20 or so groups that were there they only awarded 1 gold, 3-4 silver and the rest were bronze. Next month will be the spring performace and I will be able to video them so then I will post it so you all can hear them!

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