Thursday, May 6, 2010

More of Kaitlyn riding Ben

I thought this was a cool picture of Kaitlyn on Ben. I love being up in the loft watching lessons. You get a good view of what is going on.

Here's the girls on their horses. Rachel on Frodo and Kaitlyn on Ben. They were waiting for the next girls to be ready to come out riding and were just hanging out chatting on their horse. Thought it would make a great picture.

Kaitlyn rode Ben all last summer and tried her hardest to get him to canter. He was a bit stubborn but would eventually with alot of extra help from Tara, Kaitlyn's instructor, he would finally go. It had been a while since Kaitlyn had rode Ben but was able to last week and had a great time jumping. This week they were working on cantering. Tara worked hard with Kaitlyn on getting his trot to a certain point so that Kaitlyn could get Ben into a canter. So the first time going for it.......he took off! It was such an amazing night! The last 2 weeks have been incredible for Kaitlyn and I think she has grown in her abilities and confidence. We are SO proud of her!

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