Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 2 of the snow :)

Well we had another night of snow and woke up to about 5 inches on the ground. Matt had been so excited to use the snow blower but when he came in he said the newness and fun of it is gone. Man after only one use. He's got many more to go. But he said he was thankful he had it or he would have been out there for hours shoveling. It is so beautiful to look out and see such fresh snow. I walked the girls down to the bus this morning. It was a cold walk 27 degrees! Right now at 9:30am it is only 29 degrees!! But there is some blue sky out there and some sun poking through. I am still trying to get those videos of the house downloaded. I am having trouble and have asked someone I know who has a blog for some pointers so we will see what come of it. Last night when the girls and I were making dinner Starbuck starting barking at the back sliding glass window. Grace ran to look to see what he was barking at and there were 2 bunnies eating the bird seed that fell on the ground. It was so cool! Not much else new today. Just waiting for the cable guy to show up to hook up our TV.

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