Thursday, November 20, 2008

Snow and More Snow!

Well, here we are on day 6 of our snow. We now have a total of 10 inches here. It didn't snow yesterday all day then when Matt got home it started really coming down. The flakes were beautiful, they looked like crystals. When Matt got up this morning he had to use the snow plow again. He says he's not crazy about it but I think deep down he really has fun with it. So he plowed the driveway and then came in to shower and get ready for work and when he left there was another 2 inches on the ground. Amazing thing was it had stopped snowing when he went out to plow. So after I got the girls on the bus I shoveled the driveway since it has stopped snowing. It is nice right now the clouded are breaking up and I can see blue sky. I took some pictures of the girls playing in the snow on Tuesday so that is what you see. Then the others are of today. The one of the street is standing outside our house looking down towards the entrance of our road. Isn't it beautiful. I plan to walk Starbuck on the beach today and take some pictures of that. It's pretty cool with the snow on the beach. The Berkman's and the Dunham's will be here on Saturday. The guys have had wonderful weather to drive in. But once they hit Canada they get into the winter wonderland. It will be great to have them here. The girls are doing well. We have started planning Kaitlyn's 12th birthday party. It looks like we are going to do a slumber party with a few friends from school on Dec 5. She is excited about her birthday. Can't believe 12 years has gone by already. Before we know it she will be getting her driver permit! Well, Starbuck and I have a few chores to do and then we need to go mail some things. Then we will take our walk and show you the beach. Later! :)

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