Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Bye Grandpa

On January 23 we said Good Bye to the worlds GREATEST Grandpa. My grandpa Kalmbach lost his battle with lung cancer on January 18. He had not been diagnosed long before but fought as hard as he could.

As I sat at his funeral listening to my aunt and cousins talk about Grandpa I wanted to also stand up and say a few words too. I just couldn't get my feet moving. Everything they were saying I wanted to say too then add a few of my memories of Grandpa. I don't regret not getting up and speaking, but I want to use this to put my thoughts to words.

I have spent many days and nights thinking about my grandpa and what he meant to me and my whole family. Grandma and Grandpa were the role models that everyone should have. They never turned anyone away and ALWAYS had enough food for anyone who showed up at the door and loved like none other. Grandpa was soft spoken but when he spoke everyone listened. Like my cousin said there could be a loud "discussion" going on and all Grandpa had to do was say "poof poof" and everyone's voices would calm. Grandpa wasn't cross and never had a bad word to say about anyone or anything. But you knew what he expected of you and you never talked back or questioned. I want to model myself after Grandpa with raising my girls this way. I got a ways to go.

Grandpa LOVED all his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. His eyes would light up every time he would see them. You would always find him out playing ball, or pushing them on the swing or even joining them in a game of some sort. As grandpa got weaker he would sit back and just smile and enjoy their playing as if he was right there with them.

Grandpa also LOVED his yard. It was the best yard in town in my book. His roses were his pride and joy and every year I looked forward to seeing how big they would get this year. It definitely was a labor of love for him.

I think one of my favorite memories of my grandpa was the year I got my drivers licence. He let me drive his sweet camero to Dairy Queen for our treats. That was the BEST!!! I think Grandpa was just as excited as I was. That was the thing with Grandpa, his joy always came from seeing others happy.

I am so thankful that I got to know my grandpa and have 38 years to be apart of his life. They say what kind of legacy to you want to leave. Well, my grandpa left a legacy of love, devotion, happiness, joy....Grandpa lived the fruits of the spirit~ love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control.

Thank you Grandpa for all that you taught me, all that you showed me and giving me unconditional love like none other! I will miss you lots and will feel a void in my life here on earth but one day I will see you again in heaven and on that day I will run into your arms for the kind of hug only a grandpa can give.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Been too long

I just realized that it's been a month since I posted anything here. Needless to say we've been very busy. On Dec 16 Kaitlyn and Grace had their school Christmas concert. Kaitlyn played flute with the band and Grace's class played the hand bells. That night we left for Detroit to fly back home to WA the next morning.

We spent 18 days in Bremerton visiting family and friends. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve where most of my cousins came into town to celebrate. It was wonderful seeing them after so many years. All the great grandkids had a blast playing together and getting to know each other again. I find it such joy that these cousins who see each other not very often can pick up right where they left off and get right back into the swing of playing and friendship.

Matt was able to take in some fishing with his good buddy Jeff. They caught one 14 pound salmon that Matt and I cooked ( or should I say Matt cooked ) for Grandma and Grandpa.

The girls got LOTS of play time with cousins, cousins, cousins and of course good friends.
It also was a time of medical issues. My grandfather had been diagnosed with lung cancer and has been receiving chemo treatments. It has really taken a toll on him and I am VERY thankful to have been able to go home to see him and spend some time with both him and my grandma. Matt's mom, Marcia, ended up needing to go in for a biopsy. They found a lump on her breast. They were able to remove the majority of the lump but she had some complications from the surgery and had to back for another one. I am SO happy to say that the results came back non-cancerous and she is recovering well. I am also very thankful Matt was there for her during this time. The last day we were in town we found out my dad's wife Debbie's cancer had moved to her stomach. She is a tough lady who won't go down without a fight. Please pray for her during this time as she goes through more chemo. I believe God has great plans for her and her job isn't done here. Needless to say in the joy of going home and seeing all our loved one we had some hard things that came our way also.

Again I say, I feel SO blessed to have had the opportunity to go home and see everyone and be there for them. It is a time I will treasure greatly and thank God that we were able to be apart of this wonderful time of year.