Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just some stuff...

Well it's been a few days since I have posted anything. We are all trying to get over colds. We have come to the conclusion that is it part of moving. New bugs, stress and just plain change of seasons and climate. We are all doing much better and glad to be on the mend.

I have been busy the last couple days getting things ready for Kaitlyn's birthday party tomorrow night. My friend Karen taught me how to make gingerbread houses and so I am making my first attempt at it. I made my dough yesterday and I am still not quite sure about it. I need to cut it and bake it today. Right now I am baking Kaitlyn's monkey cake. It should be fun to decorate.

We a have a couple big, black squirrels who have been eating the birds seed. Starbuck finally saw them yesterday and has been trying to get them. Of course they are faster than he is. These 2 little guys are fat and are eating high on the hog. And Starbuck does not like them hanging around. He will sit at the window and watch for them and then go crazy when he sees them.

We have had a light dusting of snow the last couple nights but nothing major. No need for snow blowers. Which is fine with Matt right now.

The girls don't have school tomorrow so we will spend the day getting the house ready for Kaitlyn sleepover party. She is having 9 girls over. I think she is getting excited about turning 12 finally as she puts it.

That's it for now. We have a busy weekend ahead of us so stay tuned!

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