Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow happens....

So I guess it is safe to say that we are all sick of snow. It is unbelievable how much has fallen here in the last 24 hours. I know all of you in Washington know what I mean. I just talked to my cousin in New Jersey and they also are getting their fair share of snow.

Yesterday was quite the day. We had a bit of an adventure coming home from church. Matt did some awesome driving. We started going sideways off the side of the road and he got us back onto the road without any issues. I am SO glad he was driving and not me! Not long after they closed the Hwy.

We woke up this morning to about another foot of snow on the ground. They still had the main Hwy closed and they also closed the bus line to Bruce Power. Basically the whole town is shut down. Everyone is being asked to stay where they are because another snow storm is on it's way. We had a break in the weather so we decided to go for a walk down to the lake. But before we left our landlord came by with his big tractor and blower and cleared out around our driveway and parts of the yard. It was pretty cool. Got a picture of it so you can see what it looks like.

So we took our walk down to the lake. It was cold and windy but it is amazing each time we walk down there how much it changes. The ice is starting to build up on the river and along the shoreline. I got some pictures of our walk down there and some of what the empty lot looks like to the side of our house.

It's been a pretty quiet day today so far and I am a bit bummed because Brooke, Kris and all the boys were to come over to decorate gingerbread houses. It may turn into a Christmas day activity.

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