Monday, December 15, 2008

Our Weekend

What a weekend...On Saturday we spent the morning cleaning the house. Then after lunch we met Brooke, Connor and two of his friends at the movies for Connors birthday party. We went to see the movie Bolt. After we went to have pizza and open presents. The girls had a blast.

That night Matt came home or should I say Sunday morning. He got into Detroit at 8:00pm but the roads we very icy to the boarder and there were lots of accidents. So he finally arrived here at 2:00am. What a long day for him.

On Sunday morning we got up and on the road at 9:00am. We picked up Brooke and we went into London. It is about a 2 hour drive away. The crazy thing was we haven't been around a lot of people and big stores for a month and we were so overwhelmed the whole time we were there. This was an amazing mall. It had 175 stores! We got most of our shopping done. Brooke and I decided that us girls HAVE to go back in January just to look some more. The stores were so packed and we were on a time limit so we stayed very focused on what we needed to get. It was a great day though.

This morning we woke up to our Christmas tree on the floor. We are not sure why it fell over. We can't blame Starbuck because he was locked in our room last night. Only 3 ornaments broke. 2 that don't really matter but one that upset me a bit. It was a Christmas present from a couple years ago. I am just glad more didn't break.

Grace is home today. She has got what the rest of us had. I am hopeing to get her better today because tomorrow night she has her Christmas program at school. She will be very upset if she misses that.

I was just up at the post office. I know some of you have sent us packages. I learned from the ladies there that if you want to send a package the best way to send it is express mail or even FedEx where you can track it. It costs more but it won't be stopped at customs. The gals were saying that a lot of times they will hold packages. One gal said she had a package that was sent from her mom in the states and it was held for 6 weeks. I am praying that it being the holiday season they will be a bit more lax on the hold package thing. Just wanted to let you all know.

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