Wednesday, December 10, 2008

KAITLYN IS 12 TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW I can't believe 12 years ago we were blessed with the arrival of Kaitlyn Marie at 9:00am. After an all night labor and 3 hours of pushing she finally decided to enter the world. Matt and I were so overwhelmed with the fact we were parents and had this sweet little girl to care for.

The memory that sticks out the most in my mind from all those years ago was that she didn't like to sleep in her bassinet. So she sleep for weeks in her vibrating bouncy chair. She still doesn't like to sleep but at least she grew out of the bouncy chair :)

Fast forward 12 years later and here she is all grown up and turning into a young lady. She loves horses, drawing, ice skating and of course playing on her DS.


1 comment:

Janet G said...

Happy Birthday Sweetie!